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LA FENICE was born on on the July of 2012, for 6 yers have worked teenagers with experiences in common (European exchanges, civil national service, young board, voluntarism and work in educative centres and Young OFF Centre) to meet up and work together. In detail the association pursue:

  • The research and the promotion of culture, of its expressive forms, of creativity and expression spaces, of education, of cultural creation and usage.
  • The identification of cultural right and the promotion of the access to the knowledge, the education and the communication instruments.
  • The promotion of voluntarism as local and international democratic participation, for solidarity actions, cooperation and citizenship .
  • The promotion of social and sustainable tourism as form of culural exchange and knowledge improvement between the people and the area in which they live, starting with twinning, international exchanges and tourism; in particular the promotion of mobility, european exchanges, european volunteering service and programs promoted by the European Commission
  • Aggregrate the citizens for the problems of the public social and cultural life; the education to the civil responsibility, and to the citizenry; the promotion of citizenry, participation, social inclusion and cohesion, democracy, european and international rights.
  • The dedication to the formation of international and community relations and networks, in order to favour solidarity and international cooperation, to promote associative networks at european and global level, and to realize projects dedicated to the education and the development of globality.
  • The non-formal and formal long life learning, with a professional nature, for the volunteers, and associative operators and managers,also for Italians and foreigners.
  • the culture of cohexistance, equal opportunities, rights, religious cultural ethnic and gender differences, protection of diversities and individual liberties so the promotion of a multicultural and open society.
  • The dedication in favour of an eco-friendly society capable to promote the defence and the safeguard of the environment, the justice and of a sustainable economy; the promotion of renewable energy sources and the support to the formation of an environmental awareness.
  • The promotion and enlargement of recreational area and events dedicated to playful sportive and leisure activities, and the promotion of civil education, cultural expressions activities, animation and show movements also organized into the educative structures.
  • If you want to know more about it, visit our explore our SOCIAL BALANCE 2015/2016.
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