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European projects – planning ERASMUS +

cultural exchanges updates and news

La Fenice promotes and sustains the realization of European projects in the Erasmus+ context.

We retain this experiences, dedicated to teenagers of age between 13 and 18 years, fundamental because:

  • They propose new, funny educative and non-formal activities that permit to assimilate new skills and competences (not only linguistic).
  • They consent to visit Europe with very advantage prices also for families that have economic problems.
  • They help the participants to learn and speak the foreign languages (especially in English) and represent an important opportunity to test the multicultural dialogue.
  • They encourage the intercultural communication between people with same age but different background and motherland. They learn the elements in common with the other teenagers and also the differences that distinguish themself.
  • They contributes for the values development, integrity and european citizenship.
  • They favour the dialogue and the comparison for themes which have a global importance (poverty, volunterism, environment, sustainable development, active participation, health, etc.)
  • They permit the creation of bonds ,knowledge and network that can survive the time.





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